Our Partners

This is the company which we sincerely thank for creating the website including all the graphics for our Marketing Festival. Blueberry.cz Apps s.r.o. is a company that proposes and developes web applications and services built on the programming language Ruby on Rails. This company is made up of young, creative professionals who have original ideas and feel for what they do. The company has been a competitive participant in the market for more than 6 years and has completed more than 200 projects within the Czech Republic and abroad.

Logo 4pr

4 PR is an agency which provides traditional full Public Relations services for companies, products, projects, and all clients who want to be well seen and communicate with the public. The team is experienced in both large and small PR agencies. The agency offers all kinds of services from media communication to production work and copywriting.


From a tiny startup of four in 2005 we have developed into a company of 100 people, a love brand with over 10 000 followers on different channels and a respected trendsetter. In the past few years we have won a number of awards including Internet Effectiveness Awards, WebTop100 and Czech PR Awards. We have become the market leader working for the biggest companies in the Czech and Slovak Republic such as Generali, Home Credit, Pilsner Urquell, O2 and Vodafone. We are proud to be a Google Partner and now also a QUISMA company.


WEDOS internet a.s. is the biggest provider of shared webhosting and VPS in Czech republic. The company achieved this position in less than three years, thanks to team of people with years of experiences, unique full automated software and high quality brand servers.

If you want to try on our services, you have a great opportunity. As a proud partner of the Marketing Festival, we prepared a 25% discount code for you - MARKETINGFESTIVAL.


Kentico provides an affordable, award-winning Integrated Marketing Solution that is easy-to-use but also highly customizable for powerful real-time customer-centric marketing across multiple channels on-premise or in the Cloud. Founded in 2004, Kentico is headquartered in the Czech Republic with offices in the US, UK, and Australia. Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with 1,100 digital agency partners, Kentico powers more than 18,000 websites in 90 countries.


MarketUP is a consulting and digital marketing company. Combining unique experience of sales & distribution management and marketing strategies across service and retail industries, we cooperate with clients to help them ignite customer demand, orchestrate customer acquisition and build strong brand. Services include comprehensive online media and e-commerce strategies for long-term competitive advantage, performance marketing – SEO, SEM, lead generation, social media marketing and holistic online media advertising. We work for big brand names as Franke, Castrol, Stiga or LMC.


We are special consultation company oriented on e-commerce. We focus on providing e-commerce consultation, increasing of business efficiency, intelligent emailing and multichannel. As our clients we can mention prestigious e-shops and retailers: Tescoma, Expert ČR, Astratex.cz, Conrad.cz, Vašečočky.cz, Yves Rocher and others. For 10 years of existence we have helped over 2000 internet projects.

Better Marketing

BETTER MARKETING, s.r.o. pomáhá klientům skórovat v disciplíně jménem výkonnostní online marketing. Největší tým odborníků na Moravě pomohl k vítězství na poli internetu již 1.500 společnostem v České republice i zahraničí. Naše full servisová řešení a projekty jsou zaměřeny především na výkon s vysokou transparentností. Nejen proto jsme dokázali splnit cíle našim klientům, mezi něž patří například Tescoma, Author, Rock Point, či Porsche Inter Auto.


Media Partners

Logo Cia News
Logo Marketing Journal

Content partner

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